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Licking, kicking and making a big mess

Posted 1 July 2007 - The Hague (NL):

People who have visited this weblog know that I am quite a big fan of Poland. Thanks to the people I met, the language they speak, because of the nice time I spent there and because the great potential they have in so many areas.

Things are now starting to change. When Poland didn't speak up politically, their lack of self-confidence brought them quite some sympathy from the West. Nowadays, they still have the same lack of self-confidence (hence their paranoia in so many areas) but their politicians think they have now claimed a position where they have the right to shout at others and blame them for whatever comes to mind. Germany, their big example for the last 20 years, is the biggest victim of this new policy. Poland claims more voting rights that it should proportionally have right to. Why? Because there would have been more Poles if there had not been any second World War. Quite a statement for a country that only just joined the negotiation table and that owes so much to Germany over the last decades.

This situation is another example of the licking and kicking practice that is widespread in Poland. If you work for somebody, you do everything to keep that person happy, let's call that: licking upwards. Whenever somebody is working for you, they have to strictly obey even if you are unreasonable. Let's call that kicking downwards. Which works quite alright as long as everybody sticks to their position. When superiours become equals and equals become subordinates, things tend to go wrong.

Equal doesn't even really exist in this equation, because in spite of the communist past, there is no such thing in Poland as two people being equal without any fight being needed to decide who is the strongest. That is what Polish colleagues are inflincting upon themselves to safeguard their positions in highly hierarchical company structures, which are still largely prevalent. And now Poland is doing the same to Germany and the rest of Europe. Mess guaranteed. Zapraszamy :(

(© Warsaw - PL, June 2007)
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