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Competitions and Hollyhock 9 and 10

Posted 23 April 2007 - The Hague (NL):

Yesterday's elections in France resulted in a massive turnout of 84% and a victory for Mr Narcism & Ms Incoherent. In the second round (6 May), they will battle one another for presidency. Sarkozy (Mr Narcism) is looking for ways to 'unite the people' against threats that he himself defines for them. Ségolène Royal (Ms Inconherent) is not focusing on the invisible enimy but on protection itself, especially on the social level. Neither candidatum is likely to be helpful for the position of France in Europe.

Luckily, life on the FC Hollyhock fields is much more simple and pleasant. And almost as exciting as the last day of this year's Dutch Premier League season. Another match is scheduled for tonight, here's photo number 9 and 10: Steve and Dutch Mark.

(© The Hague - NL, March 2007)
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